We're excited to have you join our crypto community. To keep things running smoothly and ensure UE Token stays welcoming for everyone, we’ve outlined some basic rules. Please take a moment to read them carefully and follow them during your time here. These rules keep the forum friendly and fair for everyone, so play nice!
Be respectful
Don’t harass, insult, threaten, or flame anyone, and keep your language clean. Abusive behavior will get your account suspended.
Don't spam
Avoid posting the same message in multiple threads or sending unauthorized ads. Spammers and shills will be banned.
Protect privacy
Don’t share personal details like real names, emails, or confidential info unless it’s publicly available. Be cautious with private messages or company secrets.
Keep it appropriate
Don’t post anything hateful, obscene, discriminatory, or against the law. This includes images, links, and profile content. Moderators will decide what’s acceptable.
Avoid defamation
Share opinions, but don’t make harmful or unproven accusations about others or businesses.
Respect copyrights
Don’t post full articles or content from other forums without permission. Use excerpts or summaries and provide links when possible.
One account only
Don’t create multiple accounts without approval. Extra accounts will be banned.
No personal crusades
If you’re pushing a personal agenda or constantly complaining about a specific brand or user, your account might be suspended.
Private messages are private
Don’t share PMs or private conversations without permission. Misusing this feature will result in restrictions.
No trolling or hijacking threads
Stay on topic, and don’t post to provoke or annoy others. Trolls and thread hijackers will be banned.
Don’t be disruptive
If you’re consistently rude, annoying, or break the rules, your account can be banned. This is a space for respectful and productive discussions.